Seasonal Strategies: Optimizing Broadcast TV with Local Data

Apr 17, 2024

The Challenge

In the competitive realm of over-the-counter (OTC) medications, a prominent allergy medicine brand recognized the need to enhance its broadcast advertising efficiency to outshine rivals and connect more effectively with potential buyers. The brand turned to Locality for recommendations to minimize the common wastage seen in broad network campaigns and inform them on the optimal ways to target broadcast messages to regions affected by seasonal allergies.

Strategic Approach for Maximizing Reach: The core objective was to identify potential customers in urgent need of allergy relief, in a market saturated with competing products. A sophisticated, data-driven strategy was required to accurately discern consumer behaviors and demographic trends that would guide the consumer targeting process.

Efficiency in Advertising Spending: Traditional national broadcast campaigns, while extensive in reach, often lacked the focus necessary for the niche markets and consumers in need of allergy relief. The brand aimed to refine its advertising focus, directing resources towards specific regions where seasonal allergies were prevalent, to achieve a more calculated and effective deployment of its marketing budget, and reach areas underserved by their national campaigns.


Locality Solutions

Locality designed a strategy that harnessed its extensive local expertise to precisely identify regional markets with high incidences of seasonal allergies and significant consumer interest in OTC allergy medications. This approach was rooted in comprehensive data analysis, which included historical allergy trends, consumer behavior, and localized market research. By focusing on these insights, Locality pinpointed regions where seasonal allergies were rampant and where there was an active demand for relief.

Recommended Local Broadcast Video Strategy: Understanding the subtleties of each market—including cultural influences, regional tastes, and seasonal variations in allergy prevalence—Locality’s strategy considered messaging across the highest-quality, regionally targeted broadcast programming that most effectively met the advertiser’s objectives. This careful selection advised the OTC brand to not only reach the right audience but also strike a chord with them.

Follow the Pollen with Research: Advising a strategy aptly named ‘Follow the Pollen,’ Locality considered peak allergy seasons within targeted markets. This strategy recommended advertisements air when and where consumers are most actively seeking solutions for allergy relief. Aligning ad placements with periods of high allergy activity, both timely and impactful, would potentially increase engagement and conversion rates among the targeted demographic.

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